
Everyone else had a blog, so I want one!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Kim's Wedding

After many weeks and months of practicing and freaking out, the day of Kim's wedding came! Of course it wasn't a REAL wedding, on the other hand, it was a Filo styled 18th; but we called it a wedding cause it seemed like one! Lol, totally FUN!

Below are a few photos of how we looked on the night. Everyone was dressed formally and well, in PURPLE! No Joke! I have never seen so many shades of purple in my life before! So yeah, it was like a practice formal for us, and also a practice wedding for us and the family as well :)
My comment on the night is:
AWESOME! and also surprising..
Surprising not for me, but surprising because all the people there had fun, and it was funny what people did. Some who are usually quiet and shy at school were dancing like NO TOMORROW! And of course, I got that a few times, except the difference is that people say that I can dance, but others don't believe until the day. However, I don't believe I was that good, on the other hand, I feel like I made a fool of myself ><"

Other than the fact that the "wedding" happened, we JUST finished school on Friday so now its holiday time! WHOO HOO! Let's see how that goes =)

Thursday, June 10, 2010

YAH!! and why bother *sigh*

Dear my non-existent readers, 
Life is simple:

1. YAH!! cause mid year exams are over!
not the main reason to why i haven't posted in so long, but yes i have been studying a fair bit.

2. why bother?
try stuff, plan stuff, act upon to make everyone happy...
and well, the thing is... it doesnt happen

14 to 6, watta the chances?