
Everyone else had a blog, so I want one!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Past Few Weeks

Nothing much has been happening the past few weeks. The only things thats happened were:
- Chemistry Excursion to LaTrobe Uni
- Broseph's bday slaps!
- SACs, Sacs and MORE SACS!!
- 8372407239048 iPods
- Athletics Day 2010 (the last one)
- Last day of term 1 (for the last time)
- Broseph's bday Laser tag 
- Comedy Fest
- Discovery of the 'Why Not' Unvierse
- Family Dinners

Actually, that is a fair bit of stuff.. But it was done throughout a fair bit of time (three weeks). Here's how it went:

Chemistry Excursion
Our chem class went to LaTrobe Uni to work on our Chem Sac on instrumentation. The funny thing is that during lunch time, out of no where, a whole bunch of students+teachers from LaTrobe Uni jumped up and did the whole flash mob thing to an Indian song called "jhoom barabar jhoom" (i think), and it was just LOL!! The topic we talked about for the rest of that day xD

Broseph's Bday Slaps
Broseph's birthday happened on a school day. And.. well.. He got two more of his 6 slaps... Scared most people, happened in the middle of our locker bay, and was.. **BAM BAM BAM**! The sound was loud *nod* However, everyone laughed saying that Ron's slaps were weak and crappy xD

SACs, Sacs and more SACS!
So bad.. cause the thing is that sacs come every single day on the last two weeks of school for term 1, lets hope that it doesnt happen for the other terms as well ><

8372407239048 iPods
The iPod story.. HA! Funny, cause what happened was that I took Reddy and Tuk's iPods home to help jailbreak it for them, and on top of that, people on the bus each have an iPod as well. Check out the photo, thats only half of us =O

Athletics Day 2010 (the last one)
Such bad timing! The day before this athletics day, I wrecked my ankle during lunch basketball. Reason was cause of stupid physics! (i.e. what goes up must come down, so when i jumped, came down, with my ankle on the side ><) 
Then here comes the LAST athletics carnival of my life *sigh* so the thing is that I planned not to compete in any races that day even though I signed up. By the end of it... Other than the continuous phrases like "hey thang what races are you comp... ohhh right! xD" everything else was okay. And then, after taking too much of that crap, I couldnt hold it, so went and competed in the 800m race. Some of my friends said i shouldnt, but as a guy.. i can lose an arm, i can lose a leg, but i CANT, i CANT lose my dignity and pride!
At the end of the day.. My ankle got worse, and well... up until now, it isnt full healed =(

Last Day of Term 1 (the last time)
The last day came, the last day went. 
The last term 1 of my life over...
Hopefully it was good and memorable....

Broseph's Bday Laser Tag
Great day! Great games!
We celebrated Broseph's birthday at the laser tag at Fun City! 
The only bad part was that not all the bros came. *sigh*

Comedy Fest
The day of the long planned Comedy Festival day came! Started by Libro, dropped by Libro, wanted by many, continued by Me. Seriously, the most stressful day of my life! 
Not sure if I was too critical (said by buddy), or if I was just plain stressed out.. But I hope something like that doesn't happen again, or at least I don't have to plan it again ><'' 
Meetin up on the train towards Flinders
Getting off at Flinders
Eating at Dumpling Plus
Stopping by 7-Eleven 
Going to Melbourne Lower Town Hall 
Going to QV for Max Brenner
Going to Melbourne Central
Heading home.
The day summarised in just a few phrases. Sounds simple right? But all the time, effort, planning I put into it was not simple. Trying to help and make it comfortable for everyone, changing it over and OVER and OVER AGAIN!! Modifying once, twice, THREE FOUR FIVE times!! 
Guessing its my own fault for chucking it on myself. 
But as my quote below goes, its my own fault... *sigh*

Discovery of the 'Why Not' Universe
LOL! one of the best blogs I've seen in my life! Made by no other than the future best comedian in the world... *drum rolls*..... 
(of course not his real name, but still!)
check it out if u guys got time!

-- 'Why Not' Universe --

Family Dinners
Family dinners, they happen once in a while, but this time was so hard core!
Check out what we ate!!

And then I ate a roast duck's ......

Quote of the day:
"You can't choose your family, so you can complain if they're intolerable
However, you chose your own friends, so you must tolerate them no matter what."

1 comment:

Phil said...

Video of the flashmob is now on youtube:
