
Everyone else had a blog, so I want one!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Last 24th of me being 16

Today was the last 24th of the month that ill ever experience as a 16 year old (due to bday on the 17th next month). Nothing too interesting happened today. This new hair cut I had only received compliments from like 1 person ><><" Luckily Mark & Hentai had hair cuts too, so not many people noticed my shorter hair, even though the point of a hair cut is for people to notice, so epic fail ><"

Well it was like the first time ever that i took a whole study period to have a DECENT convo with J.c., so that was something new. Told Heolin her new nickname xD [猪头/pig head] took her so long to guess it *shakes head* and that includes the thought of me telling her that the second word meant head! Libro wanted to show Broseph & me something, but sadly the school's net was stuffed up, so we couldn't go online to see anything *shakes head*

Oh yeah, and a lot of people's seen Crow Zero now! WHOO HOO!! YAAAH!!! The topic of the day xD Now all we gotta do is wait for Mark to finish watching Crow Zero movie 1, and waiting for everyone else to watch Crow Zero Movie 2!!


Quote of the day:
"Bros before hoes"
Simple and a legacy that should be kept by ALL bros *nod*

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