
Everyone else had a blog, so I want one!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Avondale Video Clip Completion!

This past week hasn't been too bad. Even though not much happened, nothing made it crap *nod*

Monday went by as normal Mondays did. The only difference would be the fact that it began with out final chapel for the year. Surprisingly, some people rejoiced at that idea, yet others just didn't show any sign of emotion, due to the fact that they don't have an actual response to this. The day continued with me literally spending every single period of class of the day working on the Avondale Camp video. And that was pretty much my day.

Tuesday is the same as the day before. I did nothing but work on the Avondale Video, and actually completed it! =D I finished everything EXCEPT the music section; however, I did receive some samples of music to listen to at night and choose which to use for the movie clip. At night, I imported the selected music, and completed my one week project.

Wednesday was a resting day. Because of the completion of the video clip, I responded with the usual giving out of the clip. Even though I don't know if people's "It was good!" is genuine or not, I'm proud of myself for spending time constructing this video clip for everyone. Appreciation is of course hoped for, but not receiving any doesn't bother me too much.

Thursday is the day that I spent resting again and converting the video clip into a dvd format disc. It is awesome, in the sense that it has a Menu Page, Play Movie selection, Scene Selection button, and a Watch the Trailer extra feature. I am proud of this creation. Even though I gave it away, I'm not too sad about it, because I spent my time mainly to try it out, and its proved to be successful =) On top of this, we also officially began our RE Sac. This was an utterly stupid SAC. The reason to this, is because we are given a week to complete it, when it is only a research report consisting of 5 - 10 pages. This was also the reason to why I spent that class (along with many others) sending Bluetooth messages to each other to waste time (it's when you type a message/note in word document, and send it to the designated receiver via Bluetooth). The other thing that happened today, is that I started a new show known as "The Big Bang Theory". I watched the Pilot episode, and it seems like something that Bro-in-Law will enjoy, therefore resulting in me having the idea of passing it over to him on Sunday =)
I also downloaded Ronald Cheng's album "Freak", I wonder if it's good or not *shrug*

Friday... Tutor happened, and it was the day that the year 7-10 students spent their day in exams. Year 11's were the only students roaming around the school most of the day. This showed the school's quiet and uninterrupted side. It was pretty good. A discussion of the problem of what presents to get for who arose, and was basically solved. Let's just hope all of that goes well.

That's about my week. Tomorrow is Saturday, and another day I'll be spending out and about. I'm hoping that it is a good day, and everything goes well =)

Quote of the day:
"It's good!"
Is it really a genuine thing, or are people just saying it as a sign of common courtesy?
I'm confused about that


grub said...

cool vid :) didn't lag whilst loading which was good. you guys sure know how to have fun ^__^

Thangstahh said...

lolz, thank you?