
Everyone else had a blog, so I want one!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Last Saturday class...

Another day gone...
Another set of days gone...
Another last time gone...

The last day for Saturday tutor classes has ended. Similarly to the feeling I felt on Wednesday... I miss it already ><" I'm gonna miss all the bros that I usually see on Saturday, and well, yeh the time I spend with those guys. *sigh*

Thursday was the day for the Year 6's Orientation day at GC. I was one of the prefects who helped out looking after them. Broseph wasn't around with me most of the time, so i partnered with JC to deal with those little ones. The only real work I did, was to help them sign in at the beginning of the day, and that was it. The rest of the day was bludge bludge bludge, and bowling! Bowling wasn't as good as we expected, cause of the idea that us prefects couldn't bowl together, but each has to look after a group of year 6's, so it wasn't as fun..

Friday was the day of the first methods exam (my 2nd exam of the year)! It wasn't as hard as I expected though.. Well, most people freaked out upon going into the exam, but I have faith that all of us did well, and won't fail at all, or do too badly (by us I meant all of us yr11's in my maths class).

Saturday... Simply put all I did was:
- Mock exam at Chink school
- Walk around in Foots in the hot weather
- Go to the last official Saturday tutor class
- Go Lazy Moe's for dinner
- Walked to tutor from Foots, going to a few places to kind of.. commemorate the things I've done before going to tutor on Wednesdays
- Had our last tutor class today
- Went to Eira's house for a while
- Got home at 10:50-ish.

Up until now... Other than the Methods Exam 2 that is coming up tomorrow, and the Saturday class that we have finished, that's all I've been thinking about.

Quote of the day:
"A dream is something you can never reach, that is why it's a dream. One dream that can be reached, is known as a goal."
This is something I made up myself, and it is true or false, dependent on who you are, and how you see it. I guess.


grub said...

hey eira looks old in this photo XD unlike the youthful one he has in his dp

Thangstahh said...


(not saying i dont agree thou)

Unknown said...

shush. it was the lighting. :D

Thangstahh said...

"lighting" course course
im guessin the picture wouldve been better if it had like...

daniel, david in it *nod*

or just for the sake of it

Anonymous said...

awww i miss it already :(

Thangstahh said...

Anonymous? im guessin thats Heolin then..
do you know you can type your name by clicking "Name/URL" ??

that would make it easier for us readers, lolz