
Everyone else had a blog, so I want one!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Chinese Exam.. CONQUERED!!

So happy today! =D
At long last, I finished with studying Chinese forever! =D
The reason to this, is because I finished my final Chinese Exam TODAY!

It was an epic day, because well, I got there late >.<" So I lost most of my reading time. But the funny thing was, the room with two people (me and some other chick from another school as well, going to this campus), she was there on time, but I left before she did xD
I would've been pissed if that happened to me, so even though I'll never see her again, let's hope she didn't get pissed, lmao

So now that Mathematical Methods AND Chinese Exams are done, I'm going to put ALL my time into making that camp movie. And then after that I'll start and complete my parent's anniversary video clip.

Let's hope it all goes well =)

Quote of the day:
Same as last post's quote, learn HISTORY!!

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