
Everyone else had a blog, so I want one!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Not the Greatest Day

What's the point of being alive in this world? If God the Father, the ALMIGHTY is everywhere at all times, knowing the past, present and future, why did he create us anyway? He knew we were going to screw up! He knew the results! He knows how much pain he'll endure from seeing us SCREW UP! Then WHY! WHY DO IT?!

Bad things just come one after the other, Lady Luck really doesn't like me right now >.<" First I screw up my psp by accidentally upgrading it, causing me to not be able to play hacked games now! Then comes the problem of losing my BOUND REFERENCE for methods! And now the recent lost of my music player! NOW TO TOP IT OFF comes the problem of family! I know from experience that being brought up in an Asian family really ISN'T easy! I've had experience with dealing with situations of lectures from parents (just shut up and don't talk back), but because of all this shit that i'm being screwd up on durin life, i really cbf keeping quiet. I WANT TO LET IT OUT!! The only good thing that this "Father" of ours did for me was to give me this buddy of mine that I can complain to. Without him/her, i'm sure i'll be psycho!

Like f***!!! Life BLOWS!
there's no positive, optimistic, "good" way of looking at stuff now...

This is just tiring ..

Quote of the day:
"Do not trust anyone but yourself"
Harsh truth that many people follow and will ensure security.


grub said...

hope you find your things soon!

everyone has their shit days, hope the rest of the week goes alright ^^

Thangstahh said...

lets hope so

Unknown said...

lalalalal....god says hi and says that he will pay you a visit. He also says that you can let your worries out to the Messiah called Jacky. :P

Thangstahh said...

Let out my worries on Jacky ey?
Well Eira...
wanna go to a boxing club?
me vs you
lets see if letting out my worries work *shrug*